
2020-04-26 │ 英语作文



Ms Jerry is a foreign teacher. She oomes from New Zealand. She is

thirty-one years old. She has fair hair, white skin and gray eyes. She is tall and slim. She looks very kind. And in fact, she is kind indeed.Ms Jerry is a good teacher. Although she only comes to our school twice a week, yet she is very responsible to her work and strict with her students. Once. she was ill, but she went on giving us lessons. When we learned this, we all listened to her even more attentively than usual.

Ms Jerry teaches us English with great enthusiasm:" Eaoh lesson she Will bring us new pictures, new stories, new games and new songs. Her class is always full of happy laughter and merry songs.

Ms Jerry is such a good teacher that all of us love and respect her."我的外籍老师"英语作文译文:

Jerry老师是个外籍教师,来自新西兰,今年三十一岁。瘦高身材的她头发金黄,皮肤白皙,眼睛灰蓝。她看上去很温柔,事实上她也的确很温柔。 字串8





难忘的外教课 早闻外国人上课非常放松,今天我终于见识到了,难忘的外教课作文。这是怎么一回事呢?原来我们今天上午上了一堂难忘的外教课。 上午第三节课下课时,我们听曾老师说第四节课有外国人来上课,一听到这消息我们都议论纷纷。 终于第四节课的上课铃打响了,只见一个身材高大,一头金发的外国人和曾老师走进了教室.不用说曾老师是来做翻译的了。 做完眼保健操后我们就开始这堂有趣的外教课,小学六年级作文《难忘的外教课作文》。 ◆分享好文◆ 起先,这为外国老师告诉我们他的英文名叫“brent”我们跟着他读了几遍,他还搞什么花样读法,一下子读的快突然又慢下来,还把后面的音拖的很长,读了几遍后他又告诉我们他的中国名“杨枫龙”。随后又告诉了我们许多关于他的事情,其中让我最惊讶的是他的家竟比长沙还大。听完后我们都议论了很久。.他还说要我们提问题,其中最让我记忆犹新的是王子阳说的问题,回答时他说“那确实”这句长沙话弄我们哈哈大笑。 正在我们起兴时,无情的下课铃打断了我们的思考, 一堂有趣的外教课就这样结束了。难忘的外教课作文400字


Differences Between Chinese Teacher and Foreign Teacher

These years more and more communications among China and foreign countries made the language study expand almost every area in the world. That’s why so many foreign teachers around us. In big cities, students could choose any foreign language teacher as their tutor as long as their parents have enough money. As English major, I often enjoy class taught by both Chinese teacher and foreign teacher. Because of different culture and history in different country, there are many differences between Chinese Teacher and Foreign Teacher.

The most significant difference between them is the teaching methods and teaching criterions. Foreign teachers just guide their students with the topic about the lesson, and they often take part in the discussion with students. The teaching aims to improve every aspects of students, but not only the literature study. That is called quality-oriented education in China. However, Chinese teachers always order their students to do homework without any doubt, and they never care about the cooperation and participation. Chinese teacher is the leader of class, so students just need to follow. The only way of evaluating students is taking exam. That’s to say Chinese teacher require study for exam.

Another important difference is the attitude towards study and relationship between teachers and students. Foreign teachers preach

equality and freedom. During their class, students could talk about everything freely, and never need to consider teachers’ or other students’ commentary. Everyone is the protagonist, teachers are also good friends of students. But in Chinese teachers’ class, students are always required to sit straight-backed and listen carefully. When students want to ask or answer questions, they need to stand up in order to show respect.

Although there are such difference between Chinese teacher and foreign teacher, the truth is eternal and it will never change form teachers to teachers. What we should do is learn by ourselves. Remember that teacher is just the guide and our partner on study.

Miss Qiu: read your essay again when you finish writing it and try to find out the mistakes by yourself! Wish you could be perfect next time!



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